From time to time, global markets go through periods of uncertainty. This can be down to some poor economic news, a political crisis, or a multitude of other factors. If the market then falls sharply it can unsettle many investors. It may even tempt some to sell their investment at a loss.
But stock market volatility tends to be short lived, and when you try to time the stock market, it is too easy to miss the best gains. Most experts agree that, in such unnerving periods, investors are probably better off sitting tight and, if they are still focused on a long-term goal, not changing their plans.
Time, not timing, is the key to investing.
Recent research by the International Longevity Centre and Royal London has produced some interesting findings that highlight the benefit of independent advice when taking major financial decisions. The report demonstrated that those who receive financial advice are on average £40,000 better off than those who don’t.
Entitled The Value of Financial Advice, the report looked at the finances of various groups of people, and makes a clear case for taking financial advice.
Investing wisely is a case in point. The investment vehicle you select can have a major impact on your future wealth, and making final decisions on products that you know little about can be confusing, stressful and time consuming.
Working with us means that you’ll be benefitting from informed advice, backed up by up-to-date financial intelligence and years of practical experience in positioning a portfolio that sits in line with your personal circumstances, objectives and attitude to risk.
Remember, when your objectives, risk and capacity for loss might change, for any reason, let us know immediately.
If you would like help devising a road map for your investment plans, we’re here to help.

The value of investments may fall as well as rise.
You may get back less than you originally invested.

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  • Cisi
  • Institute of Financial Services
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